Did you know that Oregon is the third most industrial state in the country? In fact, some of the most successful examples of best practices in industrial energy efficiency are right here in Oregon. Oregon companies are inspiring facilities across the country to think about how they use energy and how energy can be managed as a strategic asset. The 2012 Oregon Leaders Awards will recognize those industrial businesses that have demonstrated leadership in the pursuit of energy efficiency.
The deadline for nominating a business for the 2012 Oregon Leader Awards is September 30. This year’s award categories are Leadership in Innovation, Leadership in Energy Performance and Leadership by Example. Two companies will be recognized as winners in each of the award categories. Governor John Kitzhaber will recognize award winners and businesses that meet the nomination criteria on November 26, 2012, in Salem at the Oregon State Capitol Building.
The Oregon Leaders Awards were launched in 2011 by the Oregon Department of Energy in collaboration with Energy Trust, Bonneville Power Administration and the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance.