Energy Trust of Oregon is on track to exceed its annual stretch savings goals for the year for Portland General Electric, Pacific Power and NW Natural, and expects to significantly exceed its conservative goal for Cascade Natural Gas. Supporting these results was a strong second quarter, including energy savings brought in by a Kick-Start bonus incentive offer, which was effective in helping commercial and industrial customers complete custom capital and lighting improvements throughout the first half of 2012. Residential customer activity was also strong in Quarter 2. The New Homes program led the charge, processing 236 homes during the quarter and far surpassing its forecast of 136.
Energy Trust’s renewable energy programs successfully completed a number of projects during the first half of 2012. There has been unprecedented activity in the solar market, reflecting a number of community-led bulk purchase initiatives and decreasing installation costs. Energy Trust expects to exceed its conservative renewable energy generation goal for the year.
Overall, Energy Trust saved 15.8 average megawatts, saved 1.6 million therms and generated 1.43 aMW in the first half of the year. View the full Quarter 2 2012 report.