More than just a meeting space, the Oregon Convention Center is a sustainability showcase. The LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Platinum-certified convention center demonstrates how investments in energy efficiency and solar can reduce operating costs, distinguish it from industry peers and drive local economic activity.
In 2016, with support from Energy Trust, the center installed a large rooftop solar system that generates approximately 25 percent of the building’s electricity onsite, reducing utility costs and carbon emissions. The system is now one of more than 10,000 solar systems that Energy Trust has helped businesses and homeowners install since its founding in 2002.
Oregon Convention Center also upgraded 90 percent of its lighting and improved foodservice equipment and building controls, tapping local Energy Trust trade ally contractors for the installations. Currently, Energy Trust is providing training and coaching through its commercial Strategic Energy Management initiative to help staff identify additional ways to save energy and add to the $681,000 the convention center already trimmed from annual energy costs.
When that Oregon Convention Center and other Oregon businesses save on their energy bills, they can spend those dollars on other business needs. Economic analysis shows that Energy Trust’s work since 2002 has benefited the entire state by helping to add $5.7 billion to the Oregon economy through new purchases of goods and services, job creation, increased wages and new business income.
Over the past 15 years, Energy Trust has helped 22,500 Portland-area businesses improve their bottom line through energy efficiency and renewable power. To find out how Energy Trust can help your business, visit energytrust.org/commercial.