Energy Trust has again been recognized as one of the best nonprofit organizations to work for in Oregon. We ranked sixth out of 33 large nonprofits by Oregon Business magazine—remaining in the top 10 for four years in a row.
The ranking is based on survey results gathered from staff this past summer. Rankings are determined by overall employee satisfaction, mission and goals, career development and learning, benefits and compensation, equity, and management and communications.
Oregon Business magazine’s ninth annual 100 Best Nonprofits to Work For project attracted approximately 5,000 employees from nonprofit organizations around the state. The nonprofits represent a variety of business sectors, from social services to healthcare to environmental organizations.
Not only do nonprofits play an important role in making communities better places to live, they’re also a vital part of the Oregon economy. According to the Nonprofit Association of Oregon, nonprofits employed more than 180,000 Oregonians in 2016. Nonprofits represent over 12 percent of private-sector jobs in Oregon.
For more information on the 100 Best projects, go to oregonbusiness.com/oregon100best.