Energy Trust helps Oregon property investors, managers and homeowners associations invest in energy efficiency and renewable energy. Improved energy efficiency can result in increased property value, reduced operating costs and improved health and safety for residents.
Energy use can be lowered at apartments, condominiums, and duplex, triplex and fourplex properties by installing energy-efficient common-area lighting, appliances, insulation, windows, heating and cooling systems and solar water heating systems. In 2012, Energy Trust helped customers upgrade nearly 1,100 multifamily properties, and also installed high-performance showerheads and faucet aerators in more than 21,000 units to help residents reduce their individual energy consumption. In part due to Energy Trust’s offerings for multifamily properties, a recent American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy report ranked Portland one of the top 10 leading metropolitan areas for effective multifamily energy-efficiency programs.
Home Forward (formerly the Housing Authority of Portland) turned to Energy Trust when the boiler at the Gallagher Plaza Apartments needed replacing. Two new energy-efficient boilers will save an estimated $9,700 in energy costs over the next five years. “Thanks to improved energy efficiency, we’ve reduced Home Forward’s operating costs,” said Julie Livingston, project manager, Home Forward. “Because many of our residents are disabled persons, seniors on fixed incomes or others in need of social services, lower operating costs translate directly into more dollars for needed services.”