Energy Trust will invite public comment on its Draft 2022 Budget and 2022-2023 Action Plan beginning October 6.
Public comments will be welcomed through October 20.
Energy Trust’s budget and action plans provide details on annual strategies and activities to help utility customers and communities in Oregon and Southwest Washington save energy and generate renewable power.
Learn where Energy Trust plans to focus its investments of utility customer funds to benefit renters, homeowners, businesses, farms and schools, including new offers and approaches to reach communities of color, low- and moderate-income customers and rural communities who may not have benefited.
Check out the budget and action plan webpage starting October 6 to review the draft budget and submit your comment.
You can also attend a virtual workshop with Energy Trust staff, board of directors and advisory councils on October 13 to learn more and ask questions. The workshop is open to the public.
Energy Trust’s budget and action plans are developed collaboratively with utility partners Portland General Electric, Pacific Power, NW Natural, Cascade Natural Gas and Avista, along with valued input from stakeholders, customers and the public.