Energy Trust of Oregon is looking for new members to join two of its advisory councils and help guide the organization in bringing clean energy benefits to Oregonians.
Energy Trust is an independent nonprofit organization dedicated to helping utility customers and communities save energy and generate renewable power. It is guided by a volunteer board of directors and three advisory councils that conduct their work through public meetings. Energy Trust is seeking new and diverse perspectives around the table to help accelerate its delivery of clean energy opportunities and benefits to customers around Oregon and Southwest Washington.
The Renewable Energy Advisory Council is looking for up to three new members and the Conservation Advisory Council is looking for up to four new members. Candidates passionate about energy conservation, renewable energy, saving people and businesses money, improving community resilience, bringing equitable benefits to people who need it most, or anything in-between are encouraged to apply.
To apply, use the online enrollment application form. More information on the two councils and what perspectives Energy Trust is looking to add to them is also available on the application. Interested candidates unsure which council to apply for can contact Energy Trust Senior Project Manager Amanda Zuniga at amanda.zuniga@energytrust.org to determine which council best fits their personal or professional goals.
Applications are due July 8, 2022. Applications will be reviewed by a group of staff and an external reviewer from the Diversity Advisory Council. Selections are anticipated to be made by August with new members submitted to the board of directors for approval in time to start at the September council meetings.