Family-owned and -operated since 1976, Pacific Lamp Wholesale offers wholesale lighting to businesses in the Portland metro area and Vancouver, Washington, and as far as Medford. The business includes a substantial energy lighting upgrade division, lighting retrofit installation team and a full lighting repair and maintenance operation.
In addition to operating a retail outlet to the general public, the company’s services include lighting energy audits and retrofits, maintenance, repair, itemized custom order guides, recycling and delivery. The company’s team of experienced lighting specialists, purchasers and support staff complete an average of 200 energy-efficiency projects earning Energy Trust cash incentives every year.
More than 10 years ago, Pacific Lamp Wholesale became an Energy Trust trade ally because lighting and energy efficiency are a natural fit. “We have always been involved with lighting and energy conservation projects—they go hand in hand,” said Pat Hickman, general manager of Pacific Lamp Wholesale.
“Energy Trust cash incentives are a helpful part of what makes our customers want to do business with Pacific Lamp Wholesale,” continued Hickman. “Our customers are excited that an organization is there to help and support energy conservation.”