Trade Ally of the Month: P&L Johnson Mechanical

Trade Ally of the Month: P&L Johnson Mechanical

P&L Johnson Mechanical, Inc. logo

In business for 34 years, P&L Johnson Mechanical provides energy-efficiency home upgrades for residents and businesses in Astoria and the North Coast. As an Energy Trust of Oregon trade ally contractor for the past 10 years, owner Paul Radu and his 18 employees offer customers additional value through energy-efficiency incentives and expertise.

In a recent Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® project with Clean Energy Works, P&L Johnson repaired insulation and duct system issues discovered during an initial energy audit. After repairs were completed, the happy customers reported that even their health and sleep quality had improved.

“People see the value of efficient upgrades, and we try and educate the homeowner about their house and where they are losing energy. Energy Trust’s third party verification gives the customer a good feeling about the work they are receiving,” said Radu. “Every person we’ve touched so far has been ecstatic about results.”