Keeping older equipment running at peak efficiency can be expensive and time consuming–plus this equipment may be much less efficient than newer technology. That was the case at Southpark Square, a 30-year old apartment complex in downtown Portland.
To reduce operating costs and maintenance needs, Southpark Square first installed LED lighting in common areas and scheduled free energy-saving products in each unit. They then took their property improvements further by upgrading their boiler and refrigerators (both common area and in-unit) to more energy-efficient models.
With just a handful of these maintenance-reducing upgrades, the building owners and residents of Southpark Square combined to save an estimated $32,700 annually on energy costs. In addition to saving significant money, these energy upgrades have improved the day-to-day satisfaction of residents and employees.
“Residents love the fact that we’re trying to be as green as possible, and the maintenance staff loves the new equipment,” said Russ Peterson, regional vice president. “We’ve seen a significant reduction in required maintenance—the LEDS, for instance, require fewer replacements so our staff isn’t constantly replacing bulbs.”
Energy Trust of Oregon offers free walkthrough surveys to help you identify ways you can lower the energy and operating costs at your property. To learn more, call 1.877.510.2130 or contact us at multifamily@energytrust.org.