Since 1997, Sunlight Solar Energy, Inc. has specialized in the design, sales and installation of high-quality solar systems for homes and businesses throughout Oregon. With offices in Bend and Oregon City, Sunlight Solar Energy completes an average of 80 projects per year in Energy Trust service territory.
“We became a trade ally more than 10 years ago to take advantage of the incentives for our customers,” said Kim Wilson, outreach director, Sunlight Solar Energy. “We were also trying to build our brand and promote the quality of our installations.”
Sunlight Solar Energy staff are especially proud of their work on the Edward C. Allworth Veterans Home in Lebanon, Oregon. The company installed a roof-mounted solar system to take full advantage of building angles and solar exposure. With 336 solar panels spread across eight residential buildings on the campus, the 85.7-kilowatt solar electric system is estimated to generate 93,000 kilowatt hours of energy annually.
“When we work on a project, we stand behind it all the way through the process, from permitting and materials ordering to installation and inspection, which ensures efficiency and quality control,” explained Wilson. After a solar installation is completed, staff help customers apply for any federal and state tax credits.