Balanced Energy Solutions, LLC is a small, local residential weatherization contractor that has been an Energy Trust trade ally since its doors opened for business in 2008. Balanced Energy Solutions started with two employees and has expanded to 12 staff over the last four years. The company performs Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® assessments, weatherization services such as air sealing, duct sealing and insulation, and also helps improve moisture conditions and building durability issues. “We focus mainly on improving the comfort of the home, which we feel ultimately sells a job, and the extra additive of Energy Trust incentives is definitely helpful,” said Amy Robinson, owner.
Balanced Energy Solutions serves the Portland metro area and Vancouver, WA, performing roughly 150 projects per year in Energy Trust service territory. A recent project involved a whole-house retrofit that addressed substantial moisture problems caused by poor ventilation and improperly installed insulation. The project challenged everyone in the company from auditors to insulators, carpenters and roofers. In the end, Balanced Energy Solutions was able to address all the building durability issues and left the client with a more comfortable and energy-efficient home.
“I appreciate that Energy Trust offers knowledge and energy-savings tips to everyone, whether it’s homeowners or tenants,” said Robinson. “They also provide business support to companies like ours and focus on keeping quality contractors as trade allies.”
Find out more about Balanced Energy Solutions on their website.