There’s a lot to learn from an engaging interactive timeline of Energy Trust’s 10-year history.
There’s a lot to see, as well. Telling moments in Oregon’s good energy story roll along a cheerfully rendered landscape that showcases all of Oregon’s remarkable regions.
Starting with Energy Trust’s first work in 2002, the timeline offers quick glances at each year’s energy high points, customer stories, program improvements and moments of special significance. You might be surprised to find out that lights illuminating the golden pioneer atop the Oregon statehouse are solar-powered, the first use of solar on a state capitol.
Did you know that Energy Trust serves 1.5 million Oregon utility customers? More than 800 homeowners and 50 businesses participated in a city-wide energy challenge in Corvallis? The winner of Energy Trust’s 2011 Oldest Fridge contest was a 1937 General Electric found humming away after seven decades in the basement of a home in Coquille, Oregon? Along with 2,500 other entrants it’s been decommissioned and its components recycled.
Your trip on Energy Trust’s timeline will take you to dozens of places with stories like these. They demonstrate just how successful Energy Trust has been in helping Oregonians move toward a future where their homes and businesses are powered by clean, affordable energy.
Energy Trust’s progress in shaping a stronger environment and economy is a shared story for all Oregonians. We invite you to join us in imagining new possibilities for ensuring a more sustainable, brighter future for all.
The timeline requires using an Internet Explorer 9+, Chrome or Firefox browser.