Energy Trust has a new way to help improve the energy performance of your facility. Whether you’re implementing Strategic Energy Management at your site or working on improving operations and maintenance, having the right tool to measure energy use can help you manage it more effectively.
The Diagnostic Tool Lending Library, operated by the Smart Buildings Center in Seattle lends 85 different types of diagnostic tools and has more than 1,000 pieces of equipment available. Smart Buildings Center is now offering this lending service to Oregon businesses. Talk with your Energy Trust representative to learn which tools are most useful for your facility.
Diagnostic tools include data loggers, ultrasonic flow meters, power loggers, infrared cameras, flow hoods, power meters, liquid manometers, thermo-anemometers, light meters, airflow meters and more.
Thermo-anemometer: A device used to measure air velocity and temperature. Devices can be used to check air flow and temperature in duct work to help gauge effectiveness or operation of HVAC systems.
Energy Trust provides access to the library at no cost to qualified businesses. Tools will be shipped to your facility with return instructions. For more information and to check out diagnostic tools, visit www.smartbuildingscenter.org/tool-library.
Even for those not in the Washington and Oregon area a visit to the Smart Buildings Center site is valuable. In addition to an extensive tool inventory list, you can access application guides on how to use the tools in the Tool Library’s Tool Resource section, as well as some instructional videos.
In addition to an extensive tool inventory list, the Smart Buildings Center’s Tool Resource section also offers online/downloadable applications, guides on how to use tools, as well as instructional videos.
For questions, call 206.538.0685 or email tool-library@smartbuildingscenter.org.
Business hours are Tuesday – Thursday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. (PST).