Oregon was ranked the third most energy-efficient state—up from last year’s fourth place ranking—according to the 2014 State Energy Efficiency Scorecard by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. Massachusetts preserved its top ranking, followed by California in second place. In ACEEE’s most recent City Scorecard Report in 2013, Portland was named the second most energy-efficient city in the nation.
The 2014 state scorecard benchmarked states according to policies and programs designed to improve energy efficiency in homes, businesses, industry and transportation. States were scored on six policy areas: utility and public benefits programs and policies, transportation policies, building energy codes and compliance, combined heat and power policies, state government-led initiatives around energy efficiency, and appliance and equipment standards. In 2014, 23 states dropped in ranking due to changes in state performance and the ACEEE scoring methodology, which was updated to better reflect states’ continuing achievements that raise the standard for electricity and natural gas efficiency programs.
Oregon received 37.5 points out of 50, a half point increase over last year’s score and four and half points behind Massachusetts’ first place rank. Tied with Vermont and Rhode Island for third place, Oregon ranked near the top for electric efficiency and natural gas efficiency program annual budgets. The work of Energy Trust of Oregon, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, Portland General Electric, Pacific Power, NW Natural, Cascade Natural Gas, and Bonneville Power Administration contributed to Oregon’s growing rank, as well as state policies and Oregon Public Utility Commission regulations contributed to Oregon’s growing rank.
The report findings demonstrate that states investing in energy efficiency programs and policies are saving energy and money, encouraging technological innovation and improving the resiliency of communities. There is continued opportunity from additional investment in energy efficiency across all states, considering the highest-ranking state fell eight points short of a perfect score.
Visit ACEEE’s website to see an executive summary or the full report