Energy Trust launched a second round of the Working Together Grants offer on August 29 with $150,000 in funding available. This grant offer is a continuation of its new, competitive small grant opportunity for nonprofit organizations serving communities. Applications are due October 14, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. PST.
Grants will provide up to $10,000 in funding for nonprofit organizations as they help their communities learn about energy and energy saving actions or develop staff capacity in this area. The Working Together Grant offer was created as a new way for Energy Trust to engage with community organizations to reach and serve diverse customers. By providing small grants to nonprofit organizations, Energy Trust will extend the benefits of energy efficiency and clean, renewable energy to more customers. Names of applicants funded in the first round can be found on our website.
Examples of grant funding requests may include, but are not limited to:
- Activities to increase community and customer awareness of clean energy solutions and offers
- Activities to spur customer participation in Energy Trust’s energy efficiency and renewable energy offers
- Support for organizations needing additional capacity to connect customers to clean energy solutions and offers
To be eligible, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Registered as a nonprofit entity in Oregon or Washington
- Proposed activities funded through the grant are in Energy Trust service area and directly or indirectly benefit utility customers of Portland General Electric, Pacific Power, NW Natural, Cascade Natural Gas or Avista
- Proposed activities funded through the grant benefit priority diversity, equity and inclusion audiences in Energy Trust focus areas: communities of color, customers experiencing low incomes or rural communities. For information about Energy Trust’s diversity, equity and inclusion plan and goals, visit Energy Trust’s website.
Additional details can be found on Energy Trust’s website or on the Working Together Grants FAQ. All applications meeting eligibility requirements and advancing through pre-screening will be reviewed by the selection committee.
Apply for the Working Together Grants here.