If you’re spending more time inside streaming movies, working on your computer or washing dishes, Energy Trust of Oregon has compiled some tips to help you manage your utility bill.
- Watch movies and TV as a whole family to minimize how many devices you’re using.
- Shut off your computer and other devices when not in use. A desktop and monitor can use up to four times more energy than a laptop.
- Unplug computer and cell phone chargers when not in use. Consider using a power strip in your media area to turn off all devices with the flip of a switch.
- Set your computer to go to sleep or power down after 10 minutes of inactivity.
- Use energy wisely in the kitchen. Cooking more meals at home means more dishes. Make sure to run your dishwasher only when full, and check for energy-saving settings on your dishwasher, fridge and other appliances.
- Rework your thermostat schedule. Adjust your settings a few degrees lower during warmer days or take advantage of the sun by turning off your heat whenever possible.
For more energy-saving tips, contact Energy Trust at 1.866.368.7878.