Energy Trust began 2012 with a strong first quarter investing in energy-saving and renewable energy generation initiatives. Highlights from Quarter 1 (January – March 2012) include:
- Energy savings from our Savings Within Reach offering increased significantly over Quarter 1 of last year as a result of a growing base of skilled trade ally contractors and a matching incentive offer through Energize Clackamas. Savings Within Reach provides enhanced cash incentives to moderate-income customers improving their homes with energy-efficiency upgrades.
- In coordination with the Oregon Department of Energy, Energy Trust approached 28 schools about participating in Gov. Kitzhaber’s Cool Schools energy-efficiency initiative. Ten schools have already committed to completing projects by the end of this year.
- Solar power continued to be a popular investment for Oregonians. Energy Trust’s Solar program had its strongest ever first quarter, with applications for 440 systems representing 3.4 megawatts of power generation. This is compared to 112 applications representing 1.2 megawatts in Quarter 1 2011.
- Energy Trust started working with a dairy biogas project in Tillamook County that will provide 5,400 megawatt hours of renewable electricity annually to Pacific Power.
- Nine companies enrolled in commercial Strategic Energy Management pilots are receiving coaching and training focused on organizational assessment, identifying operations and maintenance opportunities, and developing long-term strategic energy management plans and policies. Their efforts are expected to produce significant savings through operations and maintenance actions in 2012 and beyond.
- Energy Trust’s New Buildings program enrolled 285 new projects, more than double the number enrolled during last year’s Quarter 1.
- A “path to net zero” offer was designed in the New Homes program in response to interest from homebuilders.
Read more Quarter 1 highlights >>
View the full Quarter 1 report to the Oregon Public Utility Commission >>