Energy Trust’s 2025-2030 Strategic Plan reflects core work, focus areas for coming years

Energy Trust’s 2025-2030 Strategic Plan reflects core work, focus areas for coming years

Energy Trust’s newly adopted 2025-2030 Strategic Plan reflects its role in helping the state accomplish its clean energy goals and supporting customers and utilities in an increasingly complex landscape.

The plan identifies maximizing clean, affordable energy acquisition as Energy Trust’s core work. It then lays out five areas that exist within the context of that core work where Energy Trust will focus efforts to be most impactful in the coming years:

  • Reducing the cost of decarbonization through energy efficiency and renewable energy resources, making the transition less costly and less risky for utilities and customers.
  • Creating greater impact for priority customers by increasing participation and results for groups Energy Trust has historically underserved.
  • Motivating the next level of customer participation with strategies that appeal to customers who have not yet acted and reengaging those who have previously participated in our programs.
  • Supporting community resilience by working with local and state government agencies, utilities, Tribal governments and others to incorporate clean energy solutions into community resilience efforts.
  • Empowering customers to navigate more choices for managing their energy use and costs in an increasingly complex landscape by working with state and local agencies, utilities, community organizations and other entities.

For each focus area, the plan identifies desired outcomes, metrics for measuring our progress, and a sampling of strategies Energy Trust will pursue.

The 2025-2030 Strategic Plan will be the basis for the detailed activities, strategies, investments and staffing needs identified in Energy Trust’s 2026-20230 Multiyear Plan.

A public process

The plan was developed by Energy Trust’s board with support from staff and informed by extensive engagement and public comments from stakeholders including Energy Trust’s utility partners, state agencies, municipalities, community groups and individuals.

The public process kicked off in January 2024 with a joint workshop with Energy Trust’s three advisory councils to hear their input on community and industry priorities and how Energy Trust might support those.

Read a summary of advisory council input.

Throughout the year, the board held public workshops and meetings to hear and discuss input gathered from a broad group of stakeholders including utilities, NW Energy Coalition, Citizens’ Utility Board, local and national businesses, the Oregon Public Utility Commission, Energy Trust trade allies and contractors, and community-based partners.

Read summaries of interviews presented in January 2024.

Read summaries of interviews presented in February 2024.