Through November 9, Energy Trust of Oregon invites your feedback on the draft 2017 budget and 2017-2018 action plan. We also welcome your participation at a live webinar presentation on Friday, November 4, where Executive Director Michael Colgrove will provide an overview of the draft budget and answer any questions. Sign-up online for the webinar.
View the draft budget, action plan and key dates for public input. The draft budget is available for public comment from October 26 through November 9, 2016, and comments are accepted by emailing info@energytrust.org, or mailing or submitting them in person to Energy Trust, 421 SW Oak St., Suite 300, Portland, OR 97204.
The budget will guide our program and outreach strategies that help Oregon and southwest Washington utility customers save energy and generate renewable power. Throughout the next month, we will present the draft budget to our board of directors, the Oregon Public Utility Commission and our two advisory councils. A final proposed budget and action plan will be reviewed by the board of directors in December before being submitted to the OPUC.
As a nonprofit organization investing utility customer funds, we conduct an open annual budgeting process. The budget and action plan are developed collaboratively with Portland General Electric, Pacific Power, NW Natural, Cascade Natural Gas and Avista to deliver least-cost energy efficiency included in their long-term resource plans to meet the energy needs of their customers. In addition, the budget supports development of small-scale generation from a variety of renewable energy resources in PGE and Pacific Power territories. Projects and actions resulting from our plans will save money on participant utility bills, reduce carbon emissions and improve local economies.