SEM participant, Oregon Air National Guard Kingsley Field, learned that small improvements can add up to big results—saving thousands of dollars.
For the past three years, Oregon Air National Guard Kingsley Field (ORANG) in Klamath Falls has participated in Strategic Energy Management (SEM)—an Energy Trust of Oregon offering that delivers training, skills and tools to identify no- or low-cost energy savings opportunities.
By attending regular SEM workshops with other area organizations and Energy Trust experts, ORANG learned that small improvements can add up to big results. “We’ve saved thousands of dollars and are looking forward to saving even more by participating in SEM another year,” said Senior Master Sergeant Ruel Gadbury. “Because the base has a lot of older buildings not built with energy costs in mind, there are still savings to be had.”
As a result of SEM, ORANG learned the value of installing awnings on windows to keep out summer sun, insulating hot water pipes and installing door sweeps to reduce cold winter drafts. “SEM also helped us see how much our inefficient 20-year-old chiller was costing,” said Gadbury. “We installed a new chiller, doing all the work in-house to save dollars.”
Read more about other Southern Oregon SEM cohort participants. Businesses, nonprofits and government organizations can learn more about energy management and how to find hidden savings. Call 1.866.605.1676 or email energymanagement@energytrust.org for more details.