In 2015, Energy Trust helped residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural customers save $362 million on energy bills. In addition, we met 2015 goals for electric savings, natural gas savings and renewable generation, and achieved all Oregon Public Utility Commission annual minimum performance measures, including keeping program and administrative costs low at 5.5 percent of annual revenues.
Working with utilities, trade ally contractors, green energy professionals and customers in 2015, Energy Trust drove adoption of advancing clean energy technologies like LEDs, engaged designers and builders in adding more efficiency and solar features to residential and commercial construction, and delivered benefits in addition to energy savings and generation—from water savings to rural economic development to environmental health.
“In 2015, Energy Trust continued its legacy of innovation, adapting to a dynamic market and creating new opportunities for customers to participate and reap lasting clean energy benefits,” said Executive Director Margie Harris. “Not only did we exceed 2015 goals, we are well on our way to meeting our aggressive 2015-2019 Strategic Plan goals.”
See detailed 2015 results and customer success stories at www.energytrust.org/annualreport.