In December, Energy Trust brought together Coos County-area homebuilders and related tradespeople for an informational breakfast and training. The training discussed the construction of above-code, high-efficiency homes rated with EPS™, Energy Trust’s energy performance score. Homebuilders and HVAC contractors also learned about the benefits of joining Energy Trust’s Trade Ally Network to increase EPS contractor availability for Coos County homeowners and buyers.
Trade Ally Network
Energy Trust works with a statewide network of trade ally contractors and other professionals who design and install energy-saving improvements and renewable power systems. Licensed and insured trade allies are trained to meet Energy Trust standards. They also help homeowners and businesses apply for Energy Trust cash incentives.
Contractors can receive training and assistance with certification to become members of Energy Trust’s Trade Ally Network. Members gain access to job leads in their communities and elsewhere. The network is a great way to help keep local, skilled tradespeople informed of potential funding sources and best practices.
Trade Ally Forums
Energy Trust hosts a series of Trade Ally Forums each spring and fall to give trade allies an opportunity to network with vendors and industry peers, discuss their needs with Energy Trust staff, hear updates and provide feedback. Trade Ally Forums are held in all regions of the state and focus on local issues. In fall 2017, Energy Trust hosted forums in Klamath Falls, Grants Pass, La Grande, Pendleton, Bend and Portland. Breakout sessions include technical training and industry updates, and may be eligible for continuing education credits.
Resources to get started